Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Become New

I am not who I was

I am being remade

I am new.


-Jason Gray

The rebirth of the light at this time of year, symbolized by the birth of Jesus and the return of the sun at the Winter Solstice, reminds us that we too can be born anew. The darkest days will soon be behind us. As light returns, warmth and joy are waiting for us. Just as winter slowly fades, you can choose to fade parts of yourself which you are ready to let go. You can decide how you will come back to life after the darkness and be made anew for 2013.

Each new year can be a turning point in our lives. Every day can also be a turning point. The cells in our bodies are constantly regenerating. You are literally a different person than you were five years ago. Reinvention is a beautiful process, one in which we can constantly engage. Each of us will experience being submerged in darkness at some point, a cold, bitter place that feels permanent. Nature's seasons remind us that our time in the light is coming, in fact it's just around the corner. With every death there is birth, with every sorrow there is possibility for bliss.

To get to our better season, we have to hang tight in the discomfort of our winter. When we try to escape the pain of whichever dark situation we are in, we lose the intended lesson. This is a surefire way to invite the same darkness back for seconds, or thirds. What you resist persists. What is showing up in your life that continues to hold you down? Gather the wisdom, imbibe it, become it, live by it daily. Have gratitude for what your challenge has taught you.

At age 16, when I accepted my lupus as an opportunity to grow in health rather than an enemy to destroy, I moved toward remission. I surrendered to what I could not change. I became grateful for the gift of self-realization at such a young age. Illness can be a great teacher, if you let it.

Some darkness is self-inflicted. Mistakes are a part of life, so are making amends, forgiving yourself and moving on. The size of the transgression makes no difference- you are pure divinity at your core and can always return to that.

You are valuable, you are loved and whole. You are new. You have the opportunity to become all of the hopes you hold in your heart. What truth are you living from as we enter the light? What are you bringing alive in 2013? Here's to a new beginning.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Best Gifts

'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right."

The Holidays are upon us. This favorite time of year can easily tip into overwhelming. So much to plan, do and spend. One of my favorite songs, especially this time of year, is Simple Gifts. I need a reminder to slow down and enjoy the change of pace winter can bring. I am carrying over the gratitude focus from Thanksgiving into Christmas. Join me in opening the gifts already bestowed upon us during this beautiful season.

Simple Gifts... notice the original lyrics focus on "the gift" not "a gift", as it's been rendered in recent times. Shakers believed their faith was the supreme gift (credit), to sing about the gift was a reference to faith, a big difference one word can make. While I don't purport to be a Shaker, I believe each one of us are infused with an overflowing abundance of gifts, none of which need be purchased. With faith we see that we have all that we need. 

I love the idea of being simple and free, together. Perhaps one necessarily leads to the other. When we simplify, we promote freedom. When we are free, we are more likely to live simply. What does simplicity mean to you? I have four tenants to simple living:
  1. Working smarter not harder. It's too easy to run circles throughout my day moving from one random activity to another, I'd much rather take the time to plan routines that both nurture my family and me and tackle my to-do list. I call these small yet significant decisions upgrading. One example, I delegate chores to the kids and pay them- they learn the value of work (for money I would have shelled out anyway, shhh) and I don't have to spend as much time cleaning. Win-win!
  2. Consuming and shopping less. Staying out of stores leaves me more time, energy and you guessed I ask myself, do I need this or do I just want it? Will I still like this a year from now, or will it be clutter? I plan Christmas shopping carefully and within a budget, ideally  months in advance. I hand-craft gifts from the heart.
  3. Consciously letting go of that which is holding me down- outgrown activities, toxic relationships, bad habits and clutter. I listen to my inner voice. If I have a bad vibe about something I let it go immediately. Physical clutter leads to mental clutter, it is the ultimate depression producer, toss toss.
  4. Being picky about activities to which I commit myself. I've gotten better at saying no with love. I remember where my heart is, what brings me joy: family, fitness, spirituality, friends, solitude. I keep the important areas of my life in focus. I have given up trying to be everything to everyone.
Freedom necessarily supports simplicity. I am free to be myself without trying to conform to any complex standard. I am free to reject aspects of our predominant culture that don't fit with my values. My spirituality contributes immeasurably to my freedom. By trusting that God has a plan for me, I am free of fear and worry. I know I am exactly where I need to be. I am free because I feel unconditionally loved, I'm never alone. And the ultimate freedom- limits are removed from what I can accomplish because I believe that with faith, everything is possible.   

Simple Gifts was created as a dance accompaniment, to 'turn' is dance call. I like the idea that turning, bowing and bending connote change. We turn and come around right, we learn, grow and come to the conclusion after trial and error the importance of simplicity and freedom. We are flexible and open to the wisdom life has to offer. Change is embraced as we search for the lesson it offers.

How would it feel to live your life from the perspective that you are gifted? You are not without, lacking, insufficient or needing. You contain gifts within you by simple reason that you are alive and reading this now. Is the hustle-bustle obscuring your joy? Remember that you are enough, you do enough, and you have... enough.

Tell me, how are you going to carry the message of this sweet song into your life during this holiday season?