I am not who I was
I am being remade
I am new.
-Jason Gray
The rebirth of the light at this time of year, symbolized by the birth of Jesus and the return of the sun at the Winter Solstice, reminds us that we too can be born anew. The darkest days will soon be behind us. As light returns, warmth and joy are waiting for us. Just as winter slowly fades, you can choose to fade parts of yourself which you are ready to let go. You can decide how you will come back to life after the darkness and be made anew for 2013.
Each new year can be a turning point in our lives. Every day can also be a turning point. The cells in our bodies are constantly regenerating. You are literally a different person than you were five years ago. Reinvention is a beautiful process, one in which we can constantly engage. Each of us will experience being submerged in darkness at some point, a cold, bitter place that feels permanent. Nature's seasons remind us that our time in the light is coming, in fact it's just around the corner. With every death there is birth, with every sorrow there is possibility for bliss.
To get to our better season, we have to hang tight in the discomfort of our winter. When we try to escape the pain of whichever dark situation we are in, we lose the intended lesson. This is a surefire way to invite the same darkness back for seconds, or thirds. What you resist persists. What is showing up in your life that continues to hold you down? Gather the wisdom, imbibe it, become it, live by it daily. Have gratitude for what your challenge has taught you.
At age 16, when I accepted my lupus as an opportunity to grow in health rather than an enemy to destroy, I moved toward remission. I surrendered to what I could not change. I became grateful for the gift of self-realization at such a young age. Illness can be a great teacher, if you let it.
Some darkness is self-inflicted. Mistakes are a part of life, so are making amends, forgiving yourself and moving on. The size of the transgression makes no difference- you are pure divinity at your core and can always return to that.
You are valuable, you are loved and whole. You are new. You have the opportunity to become all of the hopes you hold in your heart. What truth are you living from as we enter the light? What are you bringing alive in 2013? Here's to a new beginning.
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