Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can get beyond your pain or negativity. People's reactions to my work aren't necessarily important- it's fine if they have different opinions. If their response is good, then I feel good, but what I create has more to do with myself. When I express myself, I feel free.
- Yoko Ono on her new book, "An Invisible Flower"
Creativity is essential to my serenity. My chosen outlet is and has been writing. I began as soon as I could put pen to paper, recording everyday events, desires and dreams. I kept a diary throughout my childhood, a small book with a vinyl floral padded cover, little brass lock and key. Unfortunately my two younger brothers figured out how to use a paperclip to undermine my privacy and at age ten told the neighbor boy I was madly in love with him. Luckily I didn't let my extreme chagrin keep me from my expressing myself through the written word.
Nowadays it's more mature to say I "journal", though often it feels more like a confession to my Dearest Diary, a bit more unsophisticated. I begin the creative process of putting words down in the way I always have, by writing from what I know. This blog is a sort of journal, I write about what I wish I could tell my former self in the midst of sorrow and crisis. I write about what I have learned.
I value creativity, I believe we all have an innate need to create something. I reason that we hold the divine within us and divinity's most important task is creating. By tapping into our subconscious, we can pull forth something that has not yet existed in time and space. I can write new sentences that give fresh insight into my life experience. I can inspire others by infusing bits of myself into the fabric of my words. I process grief, sadness and joy as well, by writing.
Your art could take on a myriad of different forms, it's not the procedure that matters, expressing yourself matters. Why should we keep all of the beautiful things we've learned inside of us? I know that I am living my life to grow, gain wisdom, and to be the hands and feet of divinity (aka God) on this planet. If I can share what I have gathered thus far, maybe I could help you in your journey and in the process give life to what is true within me.
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