"Listen, are you breathing just a little,
and calling it a life?...
For how long will you continue to listen
to those dark shouters,
caution and prudence?
Fall in! Fall in!"
-Mary Oliver
I am inspired by a story featured in the Chicago Tribune recently, "The Unfolding Legacy of Andrew Kuebrich". The article tells the story of Andrew, a 24 year old killed while cycling in Taiwan. He was living out his "bucket list", which his parents found in a journal among his possessions after his passing. While I am completely saddened by the tragedy of this story and my heart reaches out to Andrew's family, I have a sense of awe and admiration for Andrew. He wrote in his journal, "This is not a wish-I-would-have-done-it list. This is a I-did-it-and-it-was-amazing list. I feel like most people wander aimlessly through life like a zombie and never break through and experience it." (Chicago Tribune) As time passed, Andrew's parents began posting items from his To Do list on Facebook, friends and family members began posting back photographs of themselves living out the goals he had recorded, while holding a photo of Andrew.
This story inspired me to create my own list, I'm up to eleven things I plan to do in this lifetime, and counting. Andrew has given me the example to take action to complete the items my list, and not let my dreams stay dreams. Andrew showed that one person can make a difference in this world by embodying a wonderful combination of being of service to others and living out loud. I choose to engage with life today, to wake up and live out my passions with focus and determination, to come up with tangible ways I can make a difference to others. I make a conscious decision to leave fear and excuses behind. I choose to take the limits off my dreams and take steps to checking off the next item on my To Do list.
I never knew Andrew, nor will I have a chance to. I may never meet his parents or brothers. I do know that they can check off #76 from his list, "Make a difference in one stranger's life". By writing down what we plan to do during our lifetime and then setting about to do it, we ignite the amazing light within us, live a life of great passion, and in turn inspire others to do the same. Andrew has done this for me, and for that I thank him (and his parents for having the courage to share his story).
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